Employment Opportunities
Prosperity Gardens partners with the CU@Work program. Employees work as Production Assistants and Production Managers tending to all aspects of our 3 urban farm sites. They learn valuable skills in vegetable production, the wash and pack process, record keeping and customer service. This part-time position empowers employees to develop important life skills supporting future educational and employment opportunities.
Apply below!
Production Assistants in 2020
21 weeks
of Farm Stands
1,300 lbs
Produce Harvested in 2020
of produce donated in 2020
production assistants & Production Managers
Prosperity Gardens’ employment opportunities are available for people enrolled in the CU@Work program. Through this transitional jobs opportunity, employees will learn how to grow different varieties of produce, manage Prosperity Gardens’ three urban farm sites, learn how to run a farm stand, develop construction and landscaping skills. If you are enrolled in the CU@Work Program and you are interested in becoming a Production Assistant or Production Manager at Prosperity Gardens, please apply below!